Synopsis Movie The Lord Of The Ring : The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a 2001 fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson. This film is the first part of the film trilogy Lord of the Rings is based on the novel of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The story of the king of the darkness of Sauron searching for the ring was found by a young hobbit named Frodo Baggins is set in Middle Earth. Fate Middle Earth is threatened in the imbalance if the ring was not destroyed, on the basis that Frodo and eight colleagues who are members of The Fellowship of the Ring brought the ring to Mount Doom in Mordor to be destroyed, because it was here that the ring can be destroyed. The film was launched on December 19, 2001 was greeted with criticism and praise by fans of the original novel. The film is a huge success with an income of over $ 870 million worldwide and grossing the second highest in 2001 in the US and around the world (behind Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) and grossing the highest fifth all time in the same year (now rated fourteenth. The film won five awards including the BAFTA for best film and best director. Edition DVD Special Supplement this film was launched on November 12, 2002. in 2007, The Fellowship of the Ring was placed in ranking the fiftieth in the list of 100 Greatest American films by American Film institute.

The film begins with the words of Galadriel, shows that the king of the darkness of Sauron is forging the Rings will he use to conquer Middle Earth. Last Alliance of Men and Elves formed against the forces of Sauron at the foot of Mount Doom, but Sauron kills Elendil, King Supreme Man. Prince Isildur Elendil seize the broken sword that is Narsil, and Sauron's slashing hands, and then he took the ring and defeated his army. Because the power of Sauron No dicincin then he can not be defeated until the ring can be destroyed. Nevertheless, Isildur refused destroyed the ring because he was tempted to have the ring. He then ambushed and killed by the orcs, the ring fell into the river disappeared. Thousands of years later, the ring was found by Gollum, who gave him 'a long life is not fair', and brought down the ground for more than five centuries. But the Ring and then disappeared and was found by a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, so it makes Gollum very sorry. Background later shifted to sixty years later, after Bilbo's return to his home in the Shire.

On birthday one hundred eleven, Bilbo handed the ring to his nephew and heir named Frodo Baggins. Wizard Gandalf immediately knew that it was the Ring and tells Frodo and his friend that Sam went to Bree. There they arranged to meet, after Gandalf goes to Isengard to meet Saruman. Saruman revealed that the Nazgûl or Ringwraiths, have left Mordor in order to seize the Ring and kill the carrier. Gandalf then imprisoned at the top of the Tower of Orthanc by Saruman who had been deceived Sauron words. Frodo and Sam then invited two friends Merry and Pippin. On his way into Bree they met with the Nazgûl who want to seize the Ring. They also met with a man who called Strider, the man agreed to take them to Rivendell. They would just as Gandalf nobody to guide them. Along the way, they were attacked by the Nazgûl when staying overnight in the hills Weathertop. Strider tried to evict the Nazgûl, but Frodo serious injury caused Morgul blade of the sword, they then accelerate the journey to Rivendell to heal wounds Frodo. Frodo then rescued by a fairy named Arwen nations that took him to the area of ​​the fairies are Rivendell, where Frodo cured by the father of Arwen, Elrond.

Frodo in Rivendell can finally meet Gandalf, he then explains to Frodo why he did not meet them at Bree as planned. At the same time, many meetings held to decide what should be done with the Ring, Elrond and then calling that meeting the Council of Elrond. The Ring can only be destroyed by throwing it into a fire lava of Mount Doom where the ring was forged. Mount Doom is located in Mordor, near Sauron fortress that is Barad-dur, and it is a perilous journey. Frodo states would voluntarily bring the ring to Mount Doom to be destroyed at the Council meeting in Rivendel. He will be accompanied by a friend hobbitnya Sam, Pippin, and Merry, and Gandalf and Strider ago reveal his true identity that he is Aragorn the genuine heir to the throne of Gondor.

They were also accompanied by Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and Boromir, son of Gondor, the power holders. They together form The Fellowship of the Ring. The fraternity then began his journey but when they tried to cross the mountain Caradhras, they were confronted by the magic power of Saruman. They were forced to continue the journey through the underground pass through the Mines of Moria. They know that the business of Gimli nephew named Balin to establish a new kingdom of the Dwarves who have failed. They were attacked by Orcs and Trolls, and must face the Balrog, an ancient demon of fire and shadow, on the bridge Khazad-dum. Gandalf faced the Balrog alone to let the others survived, but he fell into the abyss with the Balrog. The brotherhood fled to Lothlórien fairy kingdom, where it is safe for them because they are protected by the ruler Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. After resting, they went to the river Anduin towards Parth Galen. Before leaving, the phial of Galadriel Galadriel gives Frodo. Arriving at Parth Galen, Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo, but Frodo tried to protect it by placing a ring on his finger, and disappeared. Frodo then left the Brotherhood because he felt the lure of the ring so large as to cause disintegration of the Brotherhood, he finally convinced her to go to Mordor alone.

While resting place of the Brotherhood attacked by the Uruk-hai, Merry and Pippin distract the Orcs and advises Frodo to save themselves. Boromir tried to rescue two hobbits've got a mortal wound in the attack on the commander of the Orcs is Lurtz. Merry and Pippin was eventually arrested. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli find Boromir very sorry to have tried to steal the Ring, but he died. They chase the Orcs to save Merry and Pippin, and leaving Frodo with his destiny. Sam eventually join Frodo before Frodo go, and they both went together to Mordor.

  • The Lord Of The Ring, The Lord Of The Ring Synopsis, The Lord Of The Ring Trailer, The Lord Of The Ring Film, Film The Lord Of The Ring.

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